Realising Public Value: A Process Guide to ‘making the most of what we’ve got’

A recent talk at the Building Centre, as part of the ongoing Retrofit24 series, landed us with an opportunity to reflect on how we work hand-in-hand with stakeholders to realise best value from existing assets. And why ‘making the most of what we’ve got’ can be a rallying call not just for the sustainable use of building material but also knowledge, action and engagement with the community.

At RCKa, we believe that letting people into the design process can unearth the unique talents and knowledge embedded in every community. We redefine the role of the architect as an advocate and facilitator, working alongside others to guide an inclusive, open-ended process. This collaborative approach enables us to create place-specific solutions that have a lasting impact on individuals, their communities, and society as a whole.

Drawing on our extensive experience working in the public sphere, RCKa is developing a Process Guide advocating for investment in community assets, in all their many forms, to achieve a more sustainable future for all. With case studies from our portfolio, the guide sets out a number of practical Principles which guide our working methods and help to steer positive outcomes. As well as a Terminology Toolkit aimed at establishing a common language and toolset to facilitate engagement among clients, designers, and community groups throughout the process.

We’re looking forward to sharing more soon. If you would like a PDF copy please email: